Blue Mountains – March 2010

For the traditional annual family weekend away this year we chose the Blue Mountains and a comfortable 3 bedroom cabin with a loft!! Talk about soft! But we were glad we did because we had a day of mist and drizzle sandwiched between two clear sunny half days, and it was very cosy in the cabin on the foggy miserable day!
The first afternoon we hiked from Echo Point down the Giant’s Staircase beneath the Three Sisters (895 steps) along to the Furber Steps and back up beside Katoomba Falls. Lovely to hike below the sheer sandstone cliffs and tumbling waterfalls and amongst the trees and ferns. A beautiful walk back along the cliff top to Echo Point, with great views to the Three Sisters again in late afternoon light.
Sunday was drizzly and very foggy, so we drove down to Hartley where it was clear and looked at the few remaining historic buildings there, then headed to a garden centre and bought two bird baths. After lunch, the garden-lovers among us visited “Everglades” which we last saw in about 1987 when it was just starting to be restored. An interesting house and beautifully tended garden, it must look stunning in spring! Other members of the party entertained themselves with various pursuits, some less energetic than others! We rounded off the day with a lovely roast dinner, a selection of Mike and Meg’s wonderful photos of Tassie and an entertaining game of Pictionary.
On Monday the weather was fine again, and we chose the walk from Govett’s Leap along the cliff top to Pulpit Rock, a spectacular walk with great views over the Grose Valley and back towards Blackheath. The bush was fresh and sparkling after the rain. Lunch at Govett’s Leap and then a long drive home (way too much traffic on the M7!)
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Posted on March 19th, 2010, tagged with events