Muriel and Lloyd’s Diamond Wedding Anniversary – Jan 2006

On 14 January 2006 Mooie and Lloydie celebrated 60 years of marriage at a lunch at the Country Comfort Motel, Greenway.There to help them were friends and relatives representing the many stages of their busy and productive lives, from school friends they have known since the 1920s to their neighbours now in Monash. Family members and friends came from such far-flung places as Adelaide, Byron Bay, Brisbane, Newcastle, Sydney, Young, Grenfell, Bombala and the Central Coast and made it a very special occasion.
Muriel and Lloyd organised the whole show just about all by themselves (had no choice — we were in NZ and Michael was in the US!) and it was a memorable party, with messages received from the local MP, Prime Minister, Governor-General and the Queen.
Posted on Saturday January 14th, 2006, tagged with events | comments disabled