Mt Tennent – again! – and again!

5th October, 2009. Another rainy spring day. This time we gathered quite a party to climb Mt Tennent with us, including Peter, Fred, Glenda, Terryn, Mike and Meg. The weather fluctuated from t-shirt weather to gloves, wet weather jackets and beanies on top, where it rained as we had lunch. Brrr. Great company and an invigorating hike!
27th September, 2009. On a wintry spring morning Pete and I decided we had better keep our training up, so off we headed to Mt Tennent, and climbed the 4.5 km to the ridge where it meets the Australian Alps Walking Track. Surprisingly it was quite calm and protected while the wind was howling and sleet was falling elsewhere. Lots of beautiful spring wildflowers, and the creek was flowing – a rare treat!
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Posted on September 28th, 2009, tagged with events