Bristol Point – October 2006

“Let’s go camping!” was the cry, so a camping weekend was planned (thanks, Geoff!) For various reasons, numbers of those attending fluctuated wildly until the appointed Friday evening, when the hardy Brown and Ellerman families (with most children attached) and Andrew (Dixon) finally descended upon the appointed site, Bristol Point (what a great spot!)
After an evening of revelry and sleep, alas on Saturday the weather turned arctic (cold and windy but not wet, thankfully). We were not deterred and donned all our layers to frolic on the beach, hike through the bush and visit the headland. Dinner was a highlight as we all got to stand around the fire and warm ourselves up and then to eat yummy food. More revelry before we decided to snuggle into our warm sleeping bags at last.
On Sunday morning after a leisurely breakfast, the group broke camp, split in two, and headed home at different times. The weather had improved markedly (typical!). Some of us went to Cave Beach, walked around Booderee Botanic Gardens and then spent some time on the beach at Greenpatch, where we built a magnificent dam to hold back the surging waters (see photos).
A great time was had by all. We must do it again some time!!
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Posted on October 26th, 2006, tagged with events